Events Crew
Events Crew Specialist Crew Energetic   |   Professional   |   Dedicated


Our events crew are our biggest asset. The recruitment process ensures that every one of our crew fits into the Urban Crews work ethos and enhances our truly dynamic team.

The key characteristics we look for in potential Urban Crew are: versatility, reliability, professionalism, honesty and hardworking team players.


Urban Crew operate a stringent Crew Chief system as we believe in the benefit of having an on-site Crew Chief with strong leadership and communication skills.

The Crew Chief will liaise with the client and ensure efficient guidance to the crew working with them. On any crew size of four or more crew an Urban Crew Chief will be allocated on the job. Pre job site visits with a Senior Crew Chief are common practice and this pays huge dividends on large projects and complex jobs. Please click here to enquire with us should you require this service!

Our Crew Chiefs are incentivised with a monthly bonus structure to ensure the high Urban Crew standards are consistently maintained. All Crew Chief and Senior Crew are SPA qualified.


All events crew undergo an Urban Crew induction course that provides them with insight into the events industry, an understanding of any equipment they can expect to handle on-site and the importance of health, safety and manual handling. The company ethos and structures are instilled from day one and our service levels and customer feedback are testament to this.

Crew Chief meetings take place monthly. Excellence is rewarded and any short comings are discussed and resolved. The management team regularly carry out on-site visits. We strongly believe in keeping in touch with what happens on-site. Our crew and our clients are our key assets and we retain a close working relationship with them.

Crew photo



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